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“As a German company with around 100,000 employees in more than 80 countries, we explicitly support the diversity of opinions and lifestyles.
We also make it just as clear: exclusion and hatred are not opinions. Political demands that call for a radical overhaul of existing systems and a national refocus jeopardise Germany as a business location – and therefore the prosperity of us all. Less diversity, less international collaboration or less commitment to climate policy do not solve the pressing problems of our time. Instead, very specifically and here on the ground, they lead to a shortage of skilled labour, less economic growth and the destruction of our habitats.
We consider democracy to be a great treasure - make your vote count in the upcoming elections!”
Heike Prinz
Member of the Executive Board and Labor Director of Bayer AG
“In today's world, where the fabric of democracy is regularly tested, it is imperative that we stand firm in our commitment to our values. As global company with more than 20.000 employees from 112 countries, we at Beiersdorf stand for #openness, #tolerance, #respect and #diversity. Democracy is the foundation for peaceful coexistence, prosperity and economic stability, and the European Union stands as a testament to unity, collaboration and innovation across borders - conditions people and businesses need to thrive. Now let’s put words into actions and make use of our right to vote. The more of us vote the stronger democracy remains.”
Vincent Warnery
CEO of Beiersdorf AG
“Bilfinger represents more than 100 nations and we are active in about 30 countries. We thrive on being open and tolerant, on being respectful towards one another. It is time to stand up for democratic values and set an example. For this reason, Bilfinger has joined the “We stand for values” alliance.”
Dr. Thomas Schulz
Group CEO of Bilfinger
"smart stands for values founded on openness, diversity, and tolerance. As an automotive company, smart is keenly aware of its social responsibility. We are accustomed to change being a constant in our economy, and we can work with that in Europe. However, we will not stand idly by as democratic values and peaceful coexistence are put at risk. That is why I am going to vote. And that is why I call on all of you: Let us all stand up for a strong Europe and democratic values. There is only one thing to do: Use your vote from June 6-9 at the European elections. Let’s shape the Europe of tomorrow."
Dirk Adelmann
CEO of smart Europe GmbH
“The citizens of the European Union are about to decide their future. Together, we´ll find out what Europe stands for. Every vote will count in these Parliamentary Elections, every voice will matter.
The values of Europe are deeply shared by Merck, and by me. I´ll be voting to protect democracy, to defend freedom, and to ensure that Europe remains competitive as a global champion for human rights and free trade. So, what are you voting for? The power of democracy is in your hands.
When it´s time to vote from June 6 to 9, make sure your voice is heard.
It’s time to vote! We stand for values!“
Belén Garijo
CEO of Merck KGaA
"As we look ahead to the upcoming European elections, we join the alliance 'We Stand for Values' with full conviction. Maintaining our prosperity in Germany and Europe, striving for greater equality of opportunity, the necessary reduction of bureaucracy, and enhancing security in and around Europe can only be achieved if we continue to and increasingly rely on democratic values such as diversity, openness, and tolerance. Anything else would be populist and incompatible with our corporate culture."
Georg Stamatelopoulos
"Whether we look to the United States, to India, or at our own continent - elections everywhere are grappling with difficult questions. There are no easy answers, but we must fight to get them. And the first step is that we all go out and vote, supporting those who contribute to solutions. Let's show together what Europe and its citizens stand for."
Leonard Birnbaum
"More than 670,000 people work in the
Volkswagen Group. Our colleagues come from all regions of the world. Diversity is our strength. This
applies equally to Volkswagen and Porsche. We are one big family and operate on the basis of strong
values. We are committed to a culture of mutual respect and mutual appreciation. The Volkswagen
Group and Porsche take a stand: both companies stand for our democratic and liberal fundamental
values. For cohesion in our diverse society. We are actively committed to this."
Oliver Blume
CEO of Volkswagen AG & Porsche AG
"People from different backgrounds with very different talents or dreams have made this country strong. Europe has
reconciled peoples and secured our prosperity. As trade unions, we work for good work, fair
competition and secure jobs for all. So that we can continue to work on this, every vote that
strengthens the democratic pro-European forces is important in the European elections. It is the
responsibility of all of us for ourselves and for future generations."
Yasmin Fahimi
President of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB)
“Global networks and cultural openness are key success factors for a strong economy and a strong Europe. We will only be able to overcome the enormous challenges of our time if all members of society stand together and uphold key values such as diversity, respect, equality of opportunities, and inclusion. As key players, business enterprises have a great deal of social responsibility. As an international and globally operating company, Bosch is committed to ensuring that Germany and Europe remain open to the world. The upcoming European elections are crucial for the continuation of the successful European Union project: they offer us the opportunity to strengthen our liberal democratic order as well as cohesion in Europe with a high voter turnout. Every vote counts.”
Dr. Stefan Hartung
CEO of Robert Bosch GmbH
"A strong democracy is the basis for a strong Europe united in diversity. o2 Telefónica stands for connections, we stand up against division of society. We connect more people in the mobile sector than any other provider. Our customers, employees and partners come from many different backgrounds. We are proud of this. For us, diversity is part of our self-conception. That is why we participate in "We stand for values". A strong democracy is a prerequisite for a strong economy. Germany needs an effective EU in order to master the challenges ahead."
Markus Haas
CEO of o2 Telefónica
"I am concerned that our democracy, and with it all the economic achievements made in recent decades, are at stake. Isolationism, extremism, and xenophobia are poison for German exports and jobs here in Germany – we must therefore not give space to the fearmongers and fall for their supposedly simple solutions."
Christian Bruch
CEO of Siemens Energy AG
"At Uniper, we work together with European and global partners and create values across national borders. This applies in particular to the international exchange of energy and raw materials, without which no secure supply can be guaranteed. Exclusion, hatred and isolation jeopardise entrepreneurial freedom and prosperity in Europe. Diversity, openness and tolerance, on the other hand, are the basis for innovative ideas and economic success. I ask you and all Uniper employees who have the right to vote in the EU elections: Take part in the election on 9 June and vote for the EU you want to live in tomorrow!"
Michael Lewis
CEO of Uniper SE
"As one of the few fast growing but profitable companies in the German startup ecosystem, Blacklane attributes its success to the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of its 300 employees from 54 different countries, as well as the sense of togetherness and humanity we cultivate in our workplace. In my view, today’s entrepreneurial success stories are not possible without a cosmopolitan, tolerant, and diverse society in which everyone feels safe and comfortable. These fundamental values of our peaceful coexistence are non-negotiable and critical to the success of newly founded companies, explaining our achievements in over 50 countries worldwide."
Dr. Jens Wohltorf
Co-Founder and CEO of Blacklane GmbH
"DB represents Europe. We vote for Europe. Now, more than ever, voting is crucial as we witness the fragility of the foundations underpinning our prosperity, freedom, and peace. Populism and division are rife. But we must not accept efforts to undermine democracy and to undermine Europe. Recent events underscore the necessity for companies like the DB Group to actively engage with society. We stand for tolerance and democracy, for freedom and Europe."
Richard Lutz
CEO of Deutsche Bahn AG
“With its innovative products and high-performance technologies, thyssenkrupp has a home all around the world – including, of course, in Europe. A strong and open Europe that embraces its role in the globalized world supports our business and secures jobs. Of our nearly 100,000 employees worldwide, more than 70,000 work in Europe. It is therefore clear to us that anyone who is against European unity, international cooperation and globalization is also clearly against thyssenkrupp.”
Miguel López
CEO of thyssenkrupp AG
„With the European elections in early June, we will start into the super election year 2024. As always, the more people vote, the stronger democracy remains.”
Ola Källenius
CEO of Mercedes-Benz Group AG
“Without diversity, innovation and success in global competition are unimaginable. Openness is one of our core corporate values. Diversity is what makes us strong at BASF and as a society. Therefore, it is clear: There is no room for xenophobia and intolerance at BASF.”
Dr. Markus Kamieth
"68,000 people from over 100 nations work in our family business. For many of them, their work with us, for example in cleaning buildings or geriatric care, is their entry into the primary labour market and therefore the key to successful integration. Hate and exclusion have no place here.”
Wolf-Dieter Adlhoch
CEO of Dussmann Group
"An open, liberal society and the strength of a united Europe are central pillars for Germany's economic success and thus the prosperity of its citizens. We aim to raise awareness through discussions in the workplace about the values on which our country's performance capability is based."
Siegfried Russwurm
President of the Federation of German Industries (BDI)
"Populism and extremism are a great danger to our basic freedoms and to our country. Racism and intolerance have no place in an open society and a global economy. Investors who value Germany precisely for its deep-rooted democratic values, are watching developments with concern and are hesitant to invest. It is crucial we categorically repeat that none of the solutions we need to the challenges of our time come from populists.”
Christian Sewing
CEO of Deutsche Bank AG
"Our alliance stands for respect, tolerance, openness and diversity. Extremists and racists challenge these values, offering apparently simple solutions to the complex problems of our time. This is dividing our society and threatening our future. The alliance is now sending a strong signal: we firmly stand for our values, as they have made Germany successful – and our companies too. To this end, we are starting an open and constructive dialogue with our colleagues. And we call on people to take a stance against extremism and racism in the European elections on June 9.”
Dr. Roland Busch
President and CEO of Siemens AG
“The business model of the BMW Group and the German economy is both European and global. International supply and business relationships are crucial for an export-driven nation like Germany. Our success heavily relies on trade relations within the European Union. Therefore, free trade and competition must be our guiding principles. Two out of three BMW Group employees come from the EU, and we sell almost a third of our vehicles in these countries. Ten of our plants are located in the EU, and EU companies supply more than twelve billion parts to our plants around the world each year.”
Oliver Zipse
"The greatest challenges of our time are global challenges: Whether it's climate change, wealth disparity, or technological transformation, all of these can only be solved together on a global scale. The foundation for this are values such as diversity, tolerance, and openness. That's why Daimler Truck is fully committed to participating in the initiative 'We stand for values,' where over 30 companies come together to stand up for these values as well as for democracy and social cohesion."
Martin Daum
CEO of Daimler Truck AG
"It's our chance to take a stand and stand up for our values. Democracy, freedom, cosmopolitanism, diversity, tolerance, and respect. Fundamental values that are crucial for coexistence – for us and for future generations. And I will, of course, be casting my vote and I hope that everyone will do the same. And thus ensure one thing above all: political stability. This political stability will also be decisive in ensuring that we can consistently pursue the challenging path towards an affordable, secure and climate-neutral energy supply. We at RWE are playing our part. With all of our energy.“
Markus Krebber
“As a German company with around 100,000 employees in more than 80 countries, we explicitly support the diversity of opinions and lifestyles.
We also make it just as clear: exclusion and hatred are not opinions. Political demands that call for a radical overhaul of existing systems and a national refocus jeopardise Germany as a business location – and therefore the prosperity of us all. Less diversity, less international collaboration or less commitment to climate policy do not solve the pressing problems of our time. Instead, very specifically and here on the ground, they lead to a shortage of skilled labour, less economic growth and the destruction of our habitats.
We consider democracy to be a great treasure - make your vote count in the upcoming elections!”
Heike Prinz
Member of the Executive Board and Labor Director of Bayer AG
“In today's world, where the fabric of democracy is regularly tested, it is imperative that we stand firm in our commitment to our values. As global company with more than 20.000 employees from 11